Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I can be scrappy

     I am going to try my hand at scrapbooking, no, I have not tried it yet. I'm not sure exactly what to do so I do nothing. I found some old recipes recently ,from the early seventies, some are older. I am going to scrap a family cook book which will include special recipes, explanation of the persons relationship to our family, and a picture when possible. I will add some cooking or foodie quotes and maybe a sketch or two. I love this one from Erma Bombeck " I come from a faimly where gravy is considered a beverage". So true for the Shiras last generation.
     My Aunt Louise gave me my first cookbook when I was twelve. It was a Better Homes and Garden Junior Cookbook. The first recipe I tried was a kool ade and ice cube punch. You needed 4 flavors of kool ade, 1 for the punch and three for the ice cubes. To make the ice cubes it said to mix the kool ade and pour into ice cube trays. I did, I mixed all the packets with 6 qts. of water and froze them in the trays. they were a very funny grey color floating in my nice cherry punch. Quick as I am I realized there is more than one way to read a recipe. I wish I could say that's the dumbest thing I've ever done. Sadly, it is not. I'm counting on the scrapping being more successful.
     I have a collection of old cook books and I enjoy reading them. It's almost like a history lesson. The food we eat is a reflection of the times we live in. I think we miss our Mothers in the kitchen, or at least someone making real food,comfort food. It's no accident that macroni cheese is my favorite Crayola color.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


I am reading A Game of Thrones. I just finished the first book and am in that lovely place where you know you have plenty
of good book left, no need to panic. Some books you hate to leave...you miss the people or whatever it is you like about the story.
      When I was in lower elementary, the county bookmobile came to our small town once a month during the summer. You were restricted to two books, and it didn't matter how hard I tried I couldn't make two books last that long. So, I read comic books, cereal boxes, and my cousin's 'True Romance' For a second grader I really got an education that summer.I must have known I shouldn't be reading those magazines because I remember sliding them under the couch.
     At the risk of looking like a little pervert, the first books I rememer looking at were my mother's medical books. I especially liked the one on how babies are born. I was four at the time and my mother must have put them up because I had to keep looking for them. There were too many words and not enough pictures. One other observation ... no men were in any of the pictures, this was something ladies did by themselves.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Gone to the dogs?

My dog Sophie greets strangers in a very fierce manner and after about 5min. they become her new best friend. If she could text, I'm sure she would message you about all of her BFFs. She is able to spell, whenever we spell walk or eat, she's right there .
Recently we had a repair man in our home and Sophie was displaying her usual behavior. The man made the comment that she was fine, he gets along better with dogs than with people. He said this several times while he was bonding with my guard dog. It made me wonder what had happened to leave him feeling that way. Many things probably.
      Recent events in my life have left me feeling distrustful of people. People I have known (or thought I did) for a very long time. Right now I have a preferance for dogs also.